Winston-Dillard Fire District

News & Events

Hydrant Testing

The Winston-Dillard Fire District will be doing annual fire hydrant flow testing during the months of April and May. We recognize that this may cause some inconvenience; however, the flushing program is necessary to ensure the proper function and ability to provide sufficient water for structural firefighting.

During this testing period, your water may become discolored or experience a temporary pressure reduction. This condition is rare and should clear up quickly and the water is still considered safe to drink and use.

If you notice excessive discoloration, or it does not clear up quickly, please notify us at 541-679-8721 or the Winston-Dillard Water District at 541-679-8467.

Budget Committee Position Available

The Winston Dillard Fire District has a vacant position available on the Budget Committee. If you are interested in filling this position please drop off a resume at the Winston Dillard Fire District, 250 SE Main St., Winston, OR. The resume needs to be dropped off by April 8, 2024. If you have any questions please call 541-679-8721

Request for Proposals

Pursuant to ORS 279B.070 and Authority Public Contracting Rule (Authority Rule) 137-047-0270, governing intermediate procurements, Central Douglas Fire & Rescue Authority (Authority) will receive sealed proposals until no later than 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at the Administrative Offices, 250 SE Main St, Winston OR 97496 to provide:

Ambulance Billing Services

Contract terms, conditions and specification shall be available at the Authority Administrative Offices, at the above address from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday until closing. No proposals will be received or considered after this time. 

Sealed proposals shall be sent to Fire Chief Rob Bullock, Central Douglas Fire & Rescue Authority, at the above address.  Proposal opening is scheduled to immediately follow closing at the Authority’s Administrative Office at the address above. The Authority’s Board of Directors may cancel this Request for Proposal (RFP) or reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public solicitation procedures and requirements, and may reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, upon a finding that it is in the best interest of the Authority to do so, per ORS 279B.100. The Authority may waive any and all informalities in the public interest. No prequalification for Proposers is required.

To request an RFP packet, or for more information, go to Documents folder, or contact Chief Rob Bullock at (541) 673-5503 or by email at

Dated this 19th day of February, 2024.

Request for Proposals – OneDrive (



The Douglas Forest Protective Association (DFPA) will officially end the 2023 fire season on Monday, October 9, 2023, at 12:01 p.m., for lands under their protection and management. The end of fire season is a result of recent wetting rains and an overall cooling trend that has returned to the area.

With the end of the fire season, the public and industrial fire restrictions implemented through DFPA will no longer be in effect.

A list of fire restrictions and closures in place through private industrial landowners can be found online at

Backyard debris burning outside of incorporated cities will be allowed without a burn permit from DFPA, however, residents should contact their local fire department before conducting any type of debris burning as fire restrictions may vary between local fire districts. The only type of burning that requires a permit from DFPA outside of fire season is for the burning of logging slash. Any type of commercial tree harvest that requires excess debris to be burned constitutes logging slash and therefore requires a burn permit. Permits to burn logging slash can be obtained by calling DFPA at 541-672-6507.

Despite the fire season-ending, fire officials advise residents to exercise caution when burning yard debris or using fire in the woods. Several days of sunshine and dry weather during the fall months can create a fire risk even if a week or more of cool, wet conditions precede them.

When burning yard debris, make sure to have an adequate fire trail around the pile before ignition begins and have fire tools and a water supply at the burn site. Debris piles should never be left unattended and should be fully extinguished before leaving the area. If a debris burn escapes containment, the responsible party may be held financially responsible for the resulting fire suppression costs and associated damages.

Those choosing to recreate in wildland areas are reminded that private industrial landowners and neighboring public land management agencies may still have fire restrictions or closures in place on the lands they own or manage. Recreationists should check with the appropriate landowner or public land management agency for the location they plan to recreate, before heading to the woods.

Staff with the Douglas Forest Protective Association would like to thank the community for their cooperation and support during the 2023 fire season.


For Burn Information, Click HERE

Upcoming Meetings

Winston – Dillard Fire District Board Meeting

Date: Monday August 19, 2024

Time: 5:30PM

Location: 250 SE Main St, Winston Oregon